Treatment of children at an early age with the use of antibiotics may contribute to demineralization of the teeth, according to Finnish scientists. The study revealed that children under the age of 1 year who were taking the antibiotics penicillin and macrolide, and also in children under 3 years treated with antibiotics of the group of amoxicillin, there is an increased risk of dental enamel defects, compared to children who were not treated with these drugs.
To analyze a possible link between antibiotics and enamel demineralization, scientists at the University of Helsinki conducted a survey of school oral 2 and 5 classes. Then they compared the data of inspection with the records of the medical cards of students for the first three years. In the result, it was found that the use of antibiotics increases the risk of enamel demineralization.
Students who underwent treatment with the use of penicillin during the first year of life, or amoxicillin during the first three years are at risk of demineralization of tooth enamel (the probability of demineralization, respectively, of 2.58 and 2.61 times higher in comparison with the control group). The greatest risk of demineralization detected in schoolchildren treated with antibiotics the macrolides, particularly erythromycin and clarithromycin (risk of demineralization above 4.07 times compared to the control group).
It was also revealed that in children who have had otitis media, the risk of demineralization above 2.28 times compared to children not suffered this disease. Moreover, the comparative analysis found that each additional case of antibiotics increases the probability of enamel demineralization.
As a result of the use of antibiotics in children may develop enamel defect, damage from 1 to 4 indigenous first molars and incisors are often. The result is improved sensitivity of these teeth, they are easily formed cavities.