Excess weight increases the risk of periodontal disease

A group of scientists from Australia and Brazil came to the conclusion that the relationship between obesity and periodontitis: people who are obese have an increased risk of periodontitis, compared to people with normal weight. In the study, for 31 years was conducted regular reviews 539 participant of the same age.

In recent years, many countries increases the problem of obesity in the population, this is due to a sedentary lifestyle, diet, stress and lack of exercise. Many studies confirm that obesity is becoming a risk factor for several systemic diseases, including periodontitis. However, at the moment scientists can't really say about the causation of these conditions.

Through the work of scientists regularly inspect the gum group for 539 people for 31 years. The scientists also carried out anthropometric measurements and to maintain records of habits of study participants.

The average risk of developing periodontitis mild to 33.3%, the probability of occurrence of average degree and severe forms of 14.3%, the level of bleeding gums and loss of teeth caused by periodontitis and 14.7%. Comparing performance of participants with normal and overweight were discovered that obesity increases the likelihood of development of each of the above conditions. In particular, the likelihood of development of periodontal disease in participants with overweight is 11% higher in participants with severe forms of obesity is 22% higher. As for the average and severe forms of periodontitis, the probability was 12% and 27% respectively for the above groups. In patients with overweight the risk of bleeding gums and loss of teeth above 21%, in participants with severe obesity by 57%.

According to scientists, these indicators are also significantly affected by the presence of harmful habits. The study's author, Dr. Gustavo Nascimento from the Federal University of Pelotas argues that the most effective way to prevent periodontitis is to inform people about the risk factors for the development of the disease.

Prof. Marco Perez of the University of Adelaide argues that the study of the relationship of obesity and periodontal disease is unique. "We explored participants of the same age over 31 years. In addition, we applied the method of longitudinal data analysis and statistical methodology that allowed to compare different risk factors in the relationship, such as obesity and Smoking, obesity and alcohol consumption, obesity and poor diet etc."